Sunday, November 24, 2019

Essay on designer babies

Essay on designer babies Essay on designer babies Audience: less informed about topic. Forum: Time Magazine A brighter future Advancing the human genome as a species was once a sci-fi fantasy. Today, the idea of genetically modified people is reality. Although Genetic Modification is an extremely controversial topic, it has the potential to benefit our species in ways once unimaginable. Throughout this paper, I hope to inform you of the infinite amount of positive and beneficial possibilities that can come from this field of study. With the guidance of knowing the science behind genetic modification, understanding the potential behind the human genome, and maybe some already promoted actions in this field; you will have shed some light on engineering people a certain way. Before anyone can fight the idea of GM (Genetically Modified) babies; one must be informed fully on the topic. Just because the idea of â€Å"engineering† babies might not sound like what a good and sane person might want, does not mean it is a bad thing for us as a species. The human genome is a fragile and natura lly beautiful work of art. The codes within our DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) that make up the human genome to blueprint every single aspect and characteristic within our bodies is extremely versatile in the way it makes up our physical self. Eye color, size, skin color, health, gender, and approximately another 30 to 40 thousand genes are encoded within our DNA. This insanely complex but beautiful puzzle is created in nature, but in reality, nature doesn’t always create people fairly. For example, any hereditary disease a person gets, physical disabilities they have, or intellectual barriers. Genetic diseases such as Down syndrome, Alzheimer’s, Huntington ’s disease, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, and many others. It also eliminates risk of inherited medical conditions such as obesity, anemia, diabetes, cancer, and many more. These are all held within the make-up of the human genome. Given this knowledge, the sensible thing to do would be to acquire a process in which we could avoid these disabilities before a baby is even born. PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis) is one of the most ethical processes when dealing with designer babies. PGD is defined by Roger Gosden in Designing Babies as â€Å"the process of analysis to a single cell removed from a biopsy from a human embryo† (109). In simpler terms, this allows doctors to find a healthy embryo to insert via IVF (In Vitro fertilization). IVF is explained by Medline Plus as â€Å"the joining of a woman’s egg and a man’s sperm in a laboratory dish. In vitro means â€Å"outside the body.† Fertilization means the sperm has attached to and entered the egg.† Which can then be placed back into the women to carry out the natural birthing process. Many people believe that this process is still unethical, although no genetic modification is taking place here, it is a very plausible way to â€Å"design† your baby to be healthy. Not only does this avoid the risk of having a baby afflicted with disease and disability, but allows infertile parents to have kids of their own. One of the most researched and strong points behind the idea of designer babies comes from the sad reality of infertility. A portion of the population is physically unable to have children of their own. There can be many different mutations within a person’s genes that do not allow them to have kids on their own, but the main thing these people want to know is how to go along and fix this problem. People may think differently, but Robin M. Henig, author of Pandora’s Baby explains, â€Å"The normality of all these test tube babies might have brought the tiniest twinge of disappointment to those looking for excuses to ban IVF or to those who thought that witnessing the birth of an abnormal test tube babe would be something of a thrill, a bit like watching a circus accident on the high wire. But most people felt great relief to see that Carla Polson was just l ike Louise Brown, just like Candice Reed, just like the

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